State Senator Norm Needleman
Norm Needleman, elected to the Connecticut State Senate in 2018, represents the 33rd District, advocating for twelve towns in the Lower Connecticut River Valley. As Senate Chair of the Energy and Technology Committee, he has been a driving force behind landmark legislation to transition the state to renewable energy, ensuring a sustainable future. Norm's leadership extends beyond energy, with legislative victories that include increased protections for first responders, enhanced environmental safeguards, and public health initiatives.
As First Selectman of Essex for over a decade, Needleman’s bipartisan approach has brought people together to solve problems while keeping taxes low and maintaining essential services. With a long career as a successful CEO of Tower Laboratories, Needleman brings his business acumen and community spirit to every role, continuously working to improve the lives of his constituents. State Senator Norm Needleman is running for reelection in the 33rd District, bringing a proven track record of bipartisan leadership, financial stability, and common-sense solutions. As both Essex First Selectman and State Senator, Norm has successfully lowered taxes, balanced budgets, and enacted key initiatives in education, job creation, and senior benefits. His approach is simple: put people and their needs above party politics. Norm’s dedication to public service ensures that Connecticut continues to work for the people and towns of the 33rd District. For the latest exciting updates on Norm's campaign and achievements, visit his official webpage at and see how you can get involved!
Cinzia Lettieri
Candidate for State Representative 35th District (Westbrook, Killingworth, Clinton) The members of the Westbrook Democrats are excited to introduce Cinzia Lettieri candidate for State Rep. 35th district!
Cinzia Lettieri grew up in Clinton and is a proud graduate of The Morgan School. As the daughter of an immigrant from a blue-collar family, Cinzia learned she could forge her own path from early on. Over the past 15 years, Cinzia has dedicated her life to education, advocacy, and policy. She has experience with CEOs, legislators, and advocacy organizations in simplifying processes and addressing inequities. Cinzia has strong connections to the community having worked and lived in Westbrook. In 2021, Cinzia returned to her hometown with her husband, Seth where they welcomed their daughter Hattie. Cinzia continues to work to strengthen her community. She currently sits on the Clinton Democratic Town Committee, the Clinton Water Pollution Control Commission, and the Clinton Planning and Zoning Commission.
Cinzia works as a 3rd grade teacher in Hamden and is the Girl Scout Cookie Sales Manager for the Westbrook Troop! She earned her bachelor‘s degree in English from UCLA, and a master‘s degree in Education Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Washington. Please feel free reach out to Cinzia if you have any questions.
You can call or text her at (310) 699-1815 or email her at [email protected]. |
Jane Wisialowski
Candidate for State Representative 23rd District (Westbrook, Old Saybrook, Old Lyme, Lyme) “As your next State Representative, I will always fight for our values – women’s reproductive health, gun safety, and investment that builds coastal resilience to climate change. I’m running because my story mirrors many of yours, and we need leaders in Hartford ready to fight for our community’s values. I’m a mom who struggled to conceive and knows that access to IVF must be protected, a Board of Education member dedicated to keeping our kids safe, and a small business owner who believes in the economic promise of our neighborhoods. I’ve been working to better this community all 25 years I’ve lived in Old Saybrook, and I’m ready to take that fight to Hartford.”
- Jane Wisialowski After decades of success as a corporate executive, Jane Wisialowski became an advocate for seniors struggling with financial and healthcare hardships. She’s a small business owner, a Board of Education member and serves on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Jane is running for State Representative because sitting on the sidelines while Lyme, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook, and Westbrook are represented by someone who doesn’t share their values is no longer an option.
As your next State Representative she will: